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 Blue Pelican Alg I Curriculum, 1st Semester. . . . . . . .    $249.95
 (8 Gb flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests )

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.



 Modifiable Alg I MS Word Originals, 1st Semester. . . . .  $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Alg I-sem1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican Alg I Curriculum, 2nd Semester. . . . . . .    $249.95
 (8 Gb flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable Alg I MS Word Originals, 2nd Semester. . . . .  $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Alg I-sem2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)
 Blue Pelican Alg II Curriculum, 1st Semester. . . . . . . .    $249.95
 (8 Gb flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.



 Modifiable Alg II MS Word Originals, 1st Semester. . . . . $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Alg II-sem1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican Alg II Curriculum, 2nd Semester. . . . . . .    $249.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.

 Modifiable Alg II MS Word Originals, 2nd Semester. . . . . $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Alg II-sem2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)
 Blue Pelican Geometry, 1st Semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $299.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $230 discount for its iPad/tablet version
( 299.95 - 230.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.


 Modifiable Geo MS Word Originals, 1st Semester. . . . .  $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Geometry-sem1. . . . . . . . . . . . .  $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican Geometry, 2nd Semester. . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $299.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $230 discount for its iPad/tablet version
( 299.95 - 230.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable Geo MS Word Originals, 2nd Semester. . . . .  $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Geometry-sem2. . . . . . . . . . . . .  $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)
 Blue Pelican Pre-Cal Curriculum, 1st Semester. . . . . .   $249.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable PreCal MS Word Originals, 1st Semester. . . . .$49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, PreCal-sem1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican Pre-Cal Curriculum, 2nd Semester. . . . .   $249.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable PreCal MS Word Originals, 2nd Semester. . $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, PreCal-sem2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)
 Blue Pelican Calculus Curriculum, 1st Semester. . . . .  $249.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable Calculus MS Word Originals, 1st Semester. . $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Calculus-sem1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican Calculus Curriculum, 2nd Semester. . . . . $249.95
 (8 Gg flash drive includes videos, printable lessons, quizzes, tests)

...this purchase receives a $180 discount for its iPad/tablet version
   ( 249.95 - 180.00 = 69.95, discount explained.)

...this purchase receives $90 in discounts on Math Labs & Math Tips.
 Modifiable Calculus MS Word Originals, 2nd Semester. . $49.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

i  iPad/Tablet Version, Calculus-sem2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $69.95
 (Only sold with regular version above)

 Blue Pelican 15 Minute Math Labs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $119.95
 (Flash Drive only,)...with curriculum purchase, $69.95
 (Does not include the kit.)

 What is it?

 Blue Pelican Special Item . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   $10.00
 What is it?

 Blue Pelican Math Tips,Tricks, & Anecdotes FlshDrv. . . $69.95
...with curriculum purchase, $49.95
 What is it?

Shipping & handling (we ship only by first class mail). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
...modified on next page for non USA shipments.
Total Purchase Price    
To purchase computer science, photoshop or webmastering materials, visit our sister site    



Each math semester comes on an 8GB Flash Drive for your own use... a $20.00 Value.
(When ordering both semesters of a subject, both come on a single 16GB Flash Drive.)

Blue Pelican Advanced Math (high school)    |